The Guidelines for Cooperation Development among Faculty Members and Librarians to Library Use Promotion of Sisaket Rajabhat University
Cooperation, Library Use Promotion Library, University LibraryAbstract
The purposes of this research aim to study the current conditions, expectation conditions and The Guidelines for Cooperation Development among Faculty members and Librarians to promote Library using of Sisaket Rajabhat University. Mixed-method was applied in this research and classified into two phases. Phase I, to study the current conditions and expectation conditions through survey research. The research sample were one hundred fifty-five University teachers. The data collection by questionnaire. Phase II, to study the guidelines for the development of cooperation between teachers and librarians to promote library services. The data collected by interview from six University leaders and the data collected by focus group from eighteen specialists. The research instruments used for research was the draft of development guidelines between teachers and librarians to promote library services of Sisaket Rajabhat University. The data were analyzed by using content analysis methods. The results of the study current conditions and expectation conditions of cooperative development guideline between teachers and librarians to promote library services. It was found that the current condition was intermediate, and the expectation was high. The cooperative development guideline between teachers and librarians to promote library services comprised 1) Information resources: responsible person should be set from faculty and collecting requirements from teachers while the relative budget should be notified from the library 2) Information services: the coordinator should be set from faculty while information accessibility from outside should be provided from the library including manual for information retrieval of online database from VPN and preparing working space ,and 3) services improvement: reference writing and bibliography should be trained for students from librarians, class activities for information learning should be design by cooperative between teacher and the librarian and proactive public relations from the library.
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