The Competency Development of Local Tour Guides in Sisaket Four Ethnics Tourism Communities in the Next Normal Era Using Safe Tourism Areas Framework for Tourists
Competency, Local Tour Guide, Next Normal Era, Safe Tourism AreaAbstract
This research had objectives to 1) to study the current condition of local tour guides 2) to study the requirement for competency development for local tour guides 3) the guidelines to develop the competency for local tour guides in Sisaket four ethnics tourism communities in the next normal era using safe tourism areas framework for tourists, which is the qualitative research. The target group is 20 peoples who live in tourism communities of Sisaket Four Ethnics Tourism Communities. The results of the research are 1. The current condition of local tour guides in Sisaket four ethnics tourism communities found out that they have insufficient experiences and skills in communicative language, academic, tour guide performance, and immediate problem-solving in the COVID-19 pandemic situation. 2. The requirement of competency development for local tour guides in Sisaket four ethnics tourism communities, found out that they were in needs to develop of local tour guides competency in the form of participatory training both inside and outside the classroom. The training should be provided for 15-20 participants for 3 days. 3. The form of competency development model of the local tour guides in Sisaket four ethnics tourism communities, consisted of 1) the academic knowledge presentation, 2) the tour guide skill, 3) the safety criteria, fairness, and sanitation in safe tourism areas framework for tourists, and (4) the field training for tour guides.
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