The Result of Activity Management for Graduate Student in Competency Development by Integrating the Instructing and the Work of Thai Language Curriculum, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University
Activity Arrangement, Graduate Student Competency Development, Integrating the Instructing and the WorkAbstract
This research had objectives: 1) to study the result of activity management for graduate student in competency development by integrating the instructing and the work of Thai Language Curriculum, 2) to study the satisfaction of the activity participants who participated in the development of graduate student competency by using Work Integrated Learning. The sample group is 10 first year Thai Language major students. The result of this study found out that 1) The students who participated in activity management were at a high level. They were able to create 20 of local myths and folktales medias to enhance elementary student reading skills, to serve the need and solve community problems. 2) The participants' satisfaction was at a high level.
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