Legal Issues on Mule Account Fraud in Thailand
Legal Issues, Smuggling, Mule Bank AccountsAbstract
This academic paper has an objective to study legal issues related to the opening of the mule bank accounts in Thailand which today the mule bank accounts were used in different types of offences including gambling, fraud, drugs and other crimes, such as the nominees of the criminals. The past day showed that the mule accounts were mostly used by drug dealers, gamblers, and business nominees. In present day found out that the mule accounts were widely used on cheating and fraud. Regarding the seminar report on the results of the discussed topic entitled “Trends of Money Laundering in Thailand:
A Case Study of Travel Agencies Laundering Money through Legal Persons, Covered Businesses, Barristers, Accountants, Lending Circles, and Non-profit Organizations”, found out that the public cheatings and frauds were greatly involves in money laundering, which to resolve this problem it had to work integration , in necessarily work collaboratively between organizations such as Ministry of Digital Economy and Society, Bank of Thailand, Anti-Money Laundering Office, Royal Thai Police, and Department of Special Investigation. However, Thailand had the enforcement of The Royal Decree on Measures for Protection and Suppression of Technology Crimes B.E. 2566 (2023) tends to be a good tendency to solve the problems. The Cybercrime Decree had the main point to allows commercial banks the right to freeze suspicious transactions instantly. the mule accounts would be taken the major offense includes a fine of THB 300,000, as cited in Article 9 and 10. This Decree were used to preventing the honest peoples from losing their wealth through phone and electronic means. The cybercrime perpetrators will transfer money that is illegally stolen to another deposit account or card rapidly as to suppress their offence.
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