Local Information Studies Bueng Boon District Si Sa Ket Province
Local Information, Bueng Boon, Si Sa KetAbstract
This Research has the objective to study local information of Bueng Boon District, Si Sa Ket Province. Data was collected from 15 key-informants by using the interview form. The results showed that 1) in terms of agriculture, 80% of villagers were engaged in agriculture, most of the communities were attached to the occupation of farming and cultivation. 2) In the area of industrial and handicrafts, there was an application of modern technology used in the processing of production of rice and pickled fish for safe consumption 3) In terms of Thai traditional medicine, use of medicinal herbs in the treatment of disease is gradually disappearing and has not been popular such as blowing to cure various diseases 4) In the area of natural resource and environmental management, folk wisdom and beliefs are applied to the development of life. Also, there was an environmental conservation, gathering things from wide forest, animal catching from Huai Thap Than River are included. 5) Concerning local business and welfare, locals received the village fund from the National Village and the Urban Community in order for community development 6) The arts in the Bueng Boon community contribute valuable creative works for both mental and practical utility, with prominent works form institutions like Wat Sri Bueng Boon and Ku Somboon. 7) Regarding language and literature, the communication language of the Bueng Boon people is Lao 8) The community holds valuable philosophies, including the 12 boon heath, Songkran Festival, Bun Bang Fai, Buddhist Lent, Bun Kathina, Loi Krathong Festival, and 9) Concerning food and nutrition, Bueng Boon people practice proper food preservation and export popular items like pickled fish.
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