A Study of Thai-Chinese Translation Strategies for Educational Institutions Names in Phetchabun Province
Translation Strategies, Names of Education Institutions, Phetchabun Province, ChineseAbstract
This research had objectives to 1) to study the strategies used in translation the names of educational institution. 2) to offer the suggestions for Thai to Chinese translation. The information gathering the names of the educational supervisor of the Secondary Educational Service Area of Phetchabun, and the network of Chinese language teachers in total of 45 names by survey questionnaires and interviews of representatives of Chinese language teachers of every educational institution. After that analyzed the strategies used in translation according to the theories of translation. The result of this research found out that the strategies that appear in the names of educational institution translation of Phetchabun province are in five translation strategies: transliteration, semantic translation, addition, omission and using more than one strategy. If the names had multiple translation strategies were utilized for rendering the name of a singular institution. In terms of proposing translation guideline. If Thai name which consisted of the proper nouns that were already translated to Chinese and widely used, we are able to use them directly. But if we would like to use the transliteration tactic, Chinese words with homophonous and proper semantic sense to Thai words should be chosen. Certain elements of the institution’s name may be left untranslated or omitted for conciseness. Names of educational institutions under local administrative organizations can be translated from their intended meaning; in contrast, the names of those that are dispersed across regions may be rendered following its affiliated institute. When engaging in re-translation, exercising care during the transcription phase is required. More importantly, translated names should be proofread and determined as official source of information as safeguards against one’s forgetfulness and the continual re-translation.
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