Investigate the Development Guidelines for the Success of Integrated Farming Community Enterprise Group, Ban Sai Ngam, Na Siew Sub-district, Mueang District, Chaiyaphum Province
The Development for the Success, Community Enterprise Group, Integrated FarmingAbstract
This research had objectives to: 1) to study development of Ban Sai Ngam Integrated Farming Community Enterprise Group, and 2) to find the development guidelines for the success of Ban Sai Ngam Integrated Farming Community Enterprise Group. This was qualitative research. There were 29 key informants. The research instruments were a semi-structured interview form and focus group discussion. Content analysis was employed for data analysis. The research results found out that: The enterprise group was established in 2016 by the representatives of villagers that applied to the Vocational Education for Rural Development Program organized by Chaiyaphum College of Agriculture and Technology. And they also jointly established a sustainable agriculture group, doing integrated farming according to the initiative of His Majesty King Rama IX. At the beginning, the members faced a shortage of funds to make a living and did not have knowledge about integrated farming. They like to grow monoculture. They also lacked knowledge about processing agricultural products. The group did the fund raising from the members so that everyone can be the owner of the group for savings, production, and processing product that everyone accredit. Currently, the group receives support from government organizations and other organizations continuously. The development guidelines for the success of the community enterprise group are as follows. 1) Financial development: An income and expenditure account should be prepared regularly. 2) Production development: The planting of herbs should be planned based on the potential of members. 3) Marketing development: It should be changed to the production-led marketing. 4) Labor development: it should enhance the motivation in work for members, and 5) The development of group regulations. Regulations should be developed to control and monitor the operations of the group.
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