Digital Literacy Competencies for Librarians at Rajabhat University Libraries
Digital Literacy, Digital Literacy Skills, Librarianship, Competencies and Digital Literacy CompetenciesAbstract
The objectives of this research were to 1) study librarian's opinions of Rajabhat University regarding digital literacy competence, 2) compare the librarians’ opinions on digital literacy competencies of librarians in different departments/jobs, and 3) to study improvement factors on digital literacy competency for the performance of Rajabhat University’s librarian. This research is quantitative research, and its data is collected by questionnaire. The studied population is limited to six libraries of Rajabhat University in the lower northeastern region comprising 40 people (100 percent for collecting data): librarian, information officer, and information scientist. The research data is analyzed by statistics: percentage, mean, standard deviation, one-way ANOVA, and Fisher's Least Significant Difference (LSD).
The studied results of opinions on digital literacy competency show that the most significant performance is a character in high level ( = 4.13). The second is skill performance which is a high level (
= 3.81). The third is knowledge competency which is a high level (
= 3.73). The hypothesis testing results revealed that it is not statistically significant on opinions of the digital literacy competencies when considering the difference between librarians with different departments or jobs. The average level of improvement factors for digital literacy competency in the performance of librarians of Rajabhat University libraries is high (
= 4.48) sorted in descending order: the external environment, university policy, infrastructure, personnel and personnel development, and policy of library administrators.
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