Challenges of teaching practicum at Phnom Penh Teacher Education College, Cambodia
Teaching Practicum, Student Teacher, Challenge, Phnom Penh Teacher Education CollegeAbstract
The purpose of the research was to explore the challenges of teaching practicum in Cambodia using the case of Phnom Penh Teacher Education College. Participants for this qualitative research were 29, there are deputy director (P-TEC), TTD’s staff, student teachers, mentor teachers, college supervisors, school-based coordinators and college-based coordinators. Using interview questions and Creswell framework for qualitative data analysis and interpretation.
The finding was as follows: During teaching practicum student teachers faced several challenges: insufficient observation and feedback from stakeholders, learners view on student teachers, limited number of practices in the real class, preparation of lesson plans, and the teaching practicum assessment process. Meanwhile, some stakeholders also faced some challenges: insufficient training for the stakeholders to undertake their essential roles, lack of cooperation among the key players, especially between TEC and practicum schools, and workload.
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