The Package Designing to Promote Ventilago denticulata Willd (Rang Daeng) Product of Baicha Koh Kret Community Enterprise in Koh Kret District of Nonthaburi Province


  • Sirat Jangruxsakul Dhurakij Pundit University
  • Pornthip Tantivisethsak Dhurakij Pundit University


Community Enterprises, Package, Community Identity


This research had objectives for 1) to study problems and needs for package designing for enhancing the image of the product of Baicha Koh Kret community enterprise, sub-district Koh Kret, district Koh Kret, Nonthaburi province. 2) to develop packaging for Rang Daeng product for Baicha Koh Kret community enterprise. 3) to evaluate the consumers’s satisfaction to the packaging for Product Promotion of Baicha Koh Kret community enterprise. Conducts by participatory research with the community, starting with qualitative research by interview and inquire about the community’s problems and needs. Present the concepts of packaging development aligned with distribution channels and usage purposes. From the data collecting found out that the existing round-shaped packaging wastes each distribution space, the patterns of packaging were still not clearly express the identity of the community, lacks product information and contact channels, and the symbols and logos were lack of uniqueness. The shape, color, and patterns were outdated, which made the packaging unattractive and could not make extra value. Therefore, researchers developed the pattern of package to satisfy the demands of the community enterprise. And using the quantitative research methods to explore the satisfaction of packaging design. By study comprised 13 members of the community enterprise. Analyze the data by using statistics, averages, and standard deviations. The result of study found out the community enterprise satisfy the packaging for Ventilago denticulata Willd (Rang Daeng) product. The highest average satisfaction was at 4.21, which had the highest level of satisfaction on packaging structure, information on the package, ease of use, and patterns on the package that convey the community's identity accordingly. Similarly, a high level of satisfaction includes appropriate packaging materials, suitability of outer package size with inner package size, logos and symbols on the packaging, and product protection during transportation.


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How to Cite

Jangruxsakul, S. ., & Tantivisethsak, P. (2024). The Package Designing to Promote Ventilago denticulata Willd (Rang Daeng) Product of Baicha Koh Kret Community Enterprise in Koh Kret District of Nonthaburi Province. Journal of Human and Society, Sisaket Rajabhat University, 8(1), 155–176. Retrieved from