Transcription and Analysis of Folk Medicine Prescriptions in the Samut Farang Manuscripts, Institute of Southern Thai Studies, Thaksin University
Folk Medicine Prescriptions, Samut Farang Manuscripts, Institute of Southern Thai StudiesAbstract
The manuscripts known as "Samut Farang" are a type of document collected by the Institute of Southern Thai Studies at Thaksin University and stored in the Local Literature Room. The content generally found in the Samut Farang includes religion, rituals, magic, astrology, herbal medicine, and more. However, this article will focus specifically on the Samut Farang manuscripts that contain herbal medicine prescriptions, with 11
well-preserved volumes. Upon transcription into modern Thai script, interesting information was found that should be disseminated for the benefit of those studying traditional southern Thai medicine in three aspects: 1. Orthography: It was found that the writing method primarily follows phonetics rather than strict adherence to correct spelling and diacritical marks. Additionally, local southern dialects were used alongside the standard language, 2. Content Structure: The texts feature various introductory phrases for the medical recipes, such as descriptions of the symptoms, instructions for treatment, or the use of Pali language and auspicious phrases. The closing statements often aim to instill confidence or encourage belief that the remedy will surely cure the illness and
3. Medical Prescriptions: There are nine identified prescriptions for the following conditions: 1) Fever 2) Wind-related illnesses 3) Hemorrhoids
4) Dysentery 5) Blood disorders 6) Men’s disorders 7) Cough 8) Skin diseases and 9) Illnesses caused by supernatural forces.
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