Problems, Causes, and Solutions to the Instruction of English for Daily Life Course for 1st Year Students at the University of Phayao in Post-Covid 19 Pandemic
Problems, Solutions, General Education in English Instruction, Post-Covid 19 PandemicAbstract
The research aimed to survey problems, analyze causes, and propose solutions to the Instruction of English for Daily Life Course for 1st Year Students at the University of Phayao in Post-Covid 19 Pandemic. The sample group included first-year students at Phayao University who registered for the English language course for daily life in the first semester of the academic year 2566, totaling 1,423 students, and the seven instructors teaching the course. The survey instrument used had a reliability of 0.68.
The study found that:
Students and instructors believed that the teaching and learning management in the English language course for daily life was appropriate.
Students and instructors thought that the instructional materials were suitable, however, instructors finding the content too easy.
Students and instructors believed that the assessment methods were appropriate, but instructors finding the exams too easy.
Regarding the achievement of learning objectives, instructors and students agreed that the English language course for daily life provided comprehensive knowledge of English basics.
In terms of teaching, students evaluated instructors positively in explaining course content, using teaching media and methods, promoting self-study, recommending additional learning resources, and motivating students to learn, while instructors rated themselves at a moderate to high level.
Regarding students, they evaluated themselves on diligence in studying, commitment to the course, awareness of the benefits of learning, the need for self-directed learning outside the classroom, the need for skill development in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and high classroom participation. Instructors assessed students at a low to moderate level.
Regarding extracurricular English language programs or activities, students perceived the benefits of the programs, communication with the language center program administrators, their confidence in using English due to program usage, difficulties in program usage, and the correlation between course content and language training programs at a high level. Instructors expressed a moderate level of concern about the mentioned issues. From the results, no clear problems were identified regarding the teaching management of the course. However, it can be concluded that the issues encountered lie in the differing perspectives between students and instructors on various points, as follows: the course content and the management of teaching and learning.
The solutions proposed for addressing the issues in teaching and learning management included the following. The curriculum and relevant departments should organize training activities on the use of modern and appropriate teaching media and techniques for large classrooms. There should be a balance between grammar content and communicative skills, such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It is important to foster mutual understanding between instructors and students regarding learning behaviors. Additionally, there should be an evaluation of the effectiveness of learning support programs to ensure they aligned with the objective of the course.
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