Murals or Hoop Taem: Creative Media in E-saan Cultural Society
Murals, Hoop Taem, Creative Media, E-saan Cultural SocietyAbstract
This academic article aims to analysis compose the background, the important and the role of murals or Hoop Tam in E-san. As a creative social and cultural media, by studying from the examples of old and new E-san murals that mainly found in the Southern E-san. The study found murals in E-san have been appeared since the prehistoric period then in sequence until the Thai history time and the present time respectively. Most of the murals were painted to serve the faith, to be Buddhist worships, to be learning materials for communities, and to use for decorating Buddhist places of worship that make more faith and beautiful. The styles and contents reflect in the identity of E-san community in each period of time. As well as influences from neighboring areas that indicates a variety of social, cultural and lifestyle characteristics of the local people. They are valuable fine arts, worthy for conserving, encouraging, and developing them to become treasures community. Moreover, it could be learning resources about Buddhism, tradition, lifestyle that include every aspect of society and culture of E-san people.
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