Gender Diversity in Public Organization


  • Chunipha Poedloknimit Independent Scholar


Gender Diversity, Public Organization


Gender Diversity in public organizations. The important thing is the system of cultural dimension. Being open-minded to accepting gender diversity people from people with power in an organization Because in the present sex and competition don't just happen in the two-sex box system But public organizations should increase efficiency for people of various sexes to have the opportunity to show their work potential. It is important that public organizations have a clear policy of exposure. And not pushing those groups into specific competencies Including educational institutions, is the starting of cultivating equality, rights, liberty, and knowledge systems for understanding Acceptance of LGBT people in an organization.


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How to Cite

Poedloknimit, C. . (2022). Gender Diversity in Public Organization. Academic Journal of Political Science and Public Administration, 1(2), 42–51. retrieved from