Trade Learning Center (TLC) Management Model to Promote Learners’ Entrepreneurial Competencies of Nakhonratchasima Vocational College


  • Jitsomanat Chaiwong


Model, learner competencies, trade learning center, entrepreneurs


The objectives of this research were to: 1) study condition and management methods of TLC at Nakhonratchasima Vocational College, 2) develop the TLC management model to promote the learners' entrepreneurial competencies at Nakhonratchasima Vocational College, 3) implement the TLC management model to promote the learners' entrepreneurial competencies at Nakhonratchasima Vocational College, and 4) evaluate the efficiency of the TLC management model. The sample groups consisted of 110 administrators and teachers derived by stratified sampling technique, 7 experts in the focus group and other 5 experts for assessing the suitability and feasibility of the model derived through purposive sampling technique. The research tools included questionnaires and the data analysis was conducted through percentage, average, standard deviation, and content analysis. follows: 1) the TLC management model was at the average level. The research results were as There were methods to manage the TLC management model, i.e. goal setting to promote the learners' competencies, process for supporting learners' competencies, cooperation from the enterprises to support learners' competencies, and monitoring and evaluating learners competencies. 2) The developed model consisted of 5 components, i.e., TLC committee, network participation activities, resource management, learning management for learners, and supervision, monitoring, and evaluation. 3) The results of the implementation of the TLC management model showed that the participants' satisfaction was at the highest level and the knowledge and the understanding of the participants on the TLC management model was at the highest level. 4) The results of the evaluation of the TLC management model showed that: a) the results of the study on the learners' competencies based on the Vocational Education Standards revealed their competencies on knowledge, skills, applications in morality, ethics, and desirable characteristics at 91%. b) The number of learners that achieved remarkable results through the TLC implementation was 100%. c) The learners' satisfaction towards the TLC management model was overall at the very high level. d) There were 10 cooperating entrepreneurs increasing after using the TLC management model.


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How to Cite

Chaiwong J. Trade Learning Center (TLC) Management Model to Promote Learners’ Entrepreneurial Competencies of Nakhonratchasima Vocational College. KRIS Journal [internet]. 2022 Jun. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];2(1):15-24. available from:



Research Article