Development of Crispy Beef Rind from Local Yala Cows


  • Amonrat Junwatthana
  • Kritsanaporn Tuochasoe
  • Sipanon Chaykaew
  • Veeradet Maneepong
  • Aris Payayam


Beef rind, expansion, crispy beef rind


The purposes of this study were to: 1. investigate the effect of baking time on the product quality of crispy beef rind from local breed Yala Cows, 2. investigate the chemical quality of crispy beef rind from local breed Yala Cows, and 3. investigate the general consumer opinions towards the product. The sensory test was performed using a 9-point Hedonic Scale method by 30-untrained panelists. The data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA to compare the mean difference of Duncan's new Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at a statistical confidence level of 95 %. The results showed that the panelists accepted the crispy beef rind baked in a hot air oven for 12 hours. The sensory acceptance scores in terms of color, smell, taste, texture and overall were 7.96, 7.50, 8.60, 8.30 and 8.60 respectively. The physical appearance of crispy beef rind products (expansion rate) showed that the baking time of 12 hours had the highest expansion rate with the width and thickness equal to 198.01 and 206.52%. The density of crispy beef rind products of 12-hour baking time was 0.16 g/ml. The chemical composition was found to be the highest protein content at 69.85% with the fat content of 18.56% and the peroxide value of 2.41 meq/Kg. In addition, the level of consumer satisfaction towards 50 native crispy beef rind products from local breed Yala Cows was high satisfaction of 4.44.


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How to Cite

Junwatthana A, Tuochasoe K, Chaykaew S, Maneepong V, Payayam A. Development of Crispy Beef Rind from Local Yala Cows. KRIS Journal [internet]. 2022 Jun. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];2(1):25-36. available from:



Research Article