The Development of a Short-term Vocational Education Management Model in a Multicultural Context at Yala Polytechnic College


  • Panuwat Bunyarat


Model, short-term professional education management, multicultural context


This study has been designed as a mixed methodology research of both quantitative and qualitative research with the objectives to: 1) study the condition of short-term professional education in the multicultural context, 2) construct and examine the short-term professional education management model in the multicultural context, 3) conduct an experiment with the short-term professional education management model in the multicultural context, and 4) evaluate the model of short-term vocational education management in a multicultural context. The quantitative and qualitative samples were obtained through specific sampling technique with the research tools including semi-structured interviews and group discussions. The results of the research showed that: 1. a study of the condition of short-term vocational education in a multicultural context at Yala Polytechnic College based on the document synthesis showed that the education management was in line with the lifestyle and the culture of multicultural context. Moreover, the educational management approach emphasizing professional skills met the needs of the labor market. Thus, the graduates achieved the knowledge, skills, and were able to live happily in the society. 2. The evaluation of a short-term professional education management model in a multicultural context at Yala Polytechnic College consisted of 3 components, i.e. a) factors supporting short-term vocational education b) short-term vocational education management, and c) short-term vocational education achievements. 3. Based on the opinions of the informant group, the short-term vocational education management in a multicultural context is the integration of educational management that emphasized skills responding to the context of the area which graduates could apply in practice. 4. The evaluation of the short-term vocational education management model in the multicultural context conducted by the experts revealing a consistent opinion that it is a useful model and can be used to manage the education in the area effectively.


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How to Cite

Bunyarat P. The Development of a Short-term Vocational Education Management Model in a Multicultural Context at Yala Polytechnic College. KRIS Journal [internet]. 2022 Jun. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];2(1):37-44. available from:



Research Article