Guidelines for Designing Reua-Phra Souvenir, a Miniature Boat of Suratthani Province


  • Chananya Suwanwong


Reua-Phra Souvenir, design guidelines, artifact, handicraft


The objectives of this study were to: 1) study the design principles of Reua-Phra Souvenir, a miniature boat of Suratthani Province, 2) construct and evaluate the quality of Reua-Phra Souvenirs, a miniature boat of Suratthani Province, and 3) study the satisfaction factors in choosing and buy Reua-Phra Souvenirs, a miniature boat of Suratthani Province. The results of the study in product design showed that the design principles of Reua-Phra Souvenir were based on 2 main parts the elements of the design and the concept of cultural product design. The elements of the design were shown in the form of a pyramid structure stacking in 5 layers while the cultural product design concept called SCAMPER surrounded all the elements of the pyramid creating the new model called ACPSI Model. The evaluation on the appropriateness of the design concept was very high at 4.53. The quality of Reua-Phra Souvenir was very good for both models. The results of the quality comparison based on the artifact concept of type 1 and type 2 models showed no statistically significant difference at 0.05. The consumers reported their opinions on choosing the two models at very high level with the average score of 4.61. Moreover, the comparison factors in choosing type 1 and type 2 models showed no statistically significant difference at 0.05.


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How to Cite

Suwanwong C. Guidelines for Designing Reua-Phra Souvenir, a Miniature Boat of Suratthani Province. KRIS Journal [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 21];2(1):67-76. Available from:



Research Article