Career Leverage for Muslim Women Dress Making and Design with the 'Developing a Curriculum (DACUM)' Process
Career training course, dress making and design, Developing a Curriculum (DACUM)Abstract
The objectives of this research were to: 1) develop a training course for career leverage for Muslim women dress making and design with the 'Developing a Curriculum (DACUM)" Process based on the needs of the community; 2) provide a training course for career leverage for Muslim women dress making and design with the 'Developing a Curriculum (DACUM)" Process; and 3) study the satisfaction of the trainees joining the career leverage for Muslim women dress making and design course. There were 21 participants attending the course with the research tools including the vocational training needs survey questionnaire and the satisfaction assessment form. The data were analyzed using basic research statistics, i.e. frequency, percentage, and mean. The results of the research were as follows: Muslim women dress making and design career training course comprised 6 lessons of a core content with 75 hours of the study time. The Muslim women dress making and design course organization was divided into 11 hours of theories and 64 hours of practical training. The participants were able to design and make one set of Muslim women's dress for themselves. Overall training satisfaction assessment results were at the highest level with very high level in each aspect. When considering on each aspect, the levels of satisfaction were as follows: quality and service confidence; personnel services comprising lecturers, trainers and staffs; and service procedures and facilities comprising media equipment, classrooms, and buildings.
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