Potential of Tourism Resources in Satun UNESCO Global Geopark for the Promotion of Creative Tourism Activities
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The objectives of this qualitative research were 1) to explore creative tourism resources in Satun UNESCO Global Geopark, 2) to assess its tourism resources for the promotion of creative tourism activities, and 3) to propose guidelines for promoting creative tourism activities in the Geopark. The research methodology consisted of relevant document study, site surveys, and in-depth interviews with a sample of 35 people. The samples were selected based on purposive sampling and snowball sampling, together with the use of a tourism resource assessment model based on the concept of creative tourism, where only resources that were assessed as very good or excellent were considered for the promotion of creative tourism activities. The findings revealed that 1) there were 112 tourism resources in Satun UNESCO Global Geopark, including geologic resources, natural resources and cultural lifestyle resources, 2) there were 32 assessed tourism resources, which were unique and can be used to develop creative activities for tourists, and 3) the guidelines for the promotion of creative tourism activities includes the promotion of community-based participation for planning and management, additional training for the host community, the involvement of both the public and private sectors, and the continual promotion of the area to be known. Tourism development undertaken in conjunction with resource conservation can lead to further sustainability in the area.
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