Karl Döhring as Traveler and Mediator between Multiple Worlds: A Reflection through His Book Kunst und Kunstgewerbe in Siam
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This article deals with the unusual and complex life and works of Karl Döhring. Döhring first came to Thailand as an architect of railway station buildings and was later appointed as King Chulalongkorn’s first architect due to his outstanding expertise. Döhring then developed a keen interest in the fields of Buddhist architecture, Thai art and cultural history, and also worked as an archeologist, novelist and translator, becoming one of the most profound foreign researchers on Thailand of his time. The focus of this article lays on the book “Kunst und Kunstgewerbe in Siam”, created on behalf of King Rama VI, which was published in 1925. The book contains an extensive collection of illustrations of Siamese lacquerware. This article analyzes the structure and content of this book and draws a connection to the historical context. Hereby, the sources of the illustrations as well as the specific narrative form of the book are discussed. Based on the analysis of this book and taking into account Döhring’s diverse interests and expertise, Karl Döhring can be recognized as a traveler and mediator between multiple worlds. The article also points out his cultural relativistic perspective that is distinguished from other western perceptions of Thailand.
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