School-based Management According to the Opinion of Schoolteachers under the Jurisdiction of Suphanburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2

School-based Management According to the Opinion of Schoolteachers under the Jurisdiction of Suphanburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2


  • หฤทัย ดวงทิพย์
  • วิวัฒน์ ตู้จำนงค์


school management, school-based management


          The purposes of the research were to study the level of school-based management according to the opinion of schoolteachers under the jurisdiction of Suphanburi Primary Educational Service Area Office and to compare the level of school - based management according to the opinion of schoolteachers under the jurisdiction of Suphanburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 who were, classified by the gender, education level, and work experience. The population was the 1,626 schoolteachers under the jurisdiction of Suphanburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2; the sample group was the 321 schoolteachers, determined by Taro Yamane's formula, stratified random sampling, and then simple random sampling. The data collection instrument was the 5-level estimate rating scale questionnaire with power of discrimination between 0.50-1.00, and reliability .98. The data analysis statistics were the percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and F-test.

The results of the research were;

  1. The school-based management according to the opinion of schoolteachers under the jurisdiction of Suphanburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 found the overall was at high level In total for When each aspect consideration, it was found that all aspects were at high level; the highest mean item was the indicator 1: there was the administration and management of education supports decentralization; followed by the item 3: there was the educational institution committee to develop educational institutions; the item 2: there was strategic management and use participatory principles; the item 5: there was checks and balances; the item 4: there was the management style that focuses on performance; and item 6: the results of the student quality assessment according to basic educational standards were used to improve the quality level; respectively.
  2. The school-based management according to the opinion of school teachers under the jurisdiction of Suphanburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2; classified by the gender, education level, work experience, and educational institution size, it eas found that the overall and each aspect were not different.


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How to Cite

ดวงทิพย์ ห., & ตู้จำนงค์ ว. (2022). School-based Management According to the Opinion of Schoolteachers under the Jurisdiction of Suphanburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2: School-based Management According to the Opinion of Schoolteachers under the Jurisdiction of Suphanburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. EDUCATION JOURNAL OF NAKHONRATCHASIMA COLLEGE, 1(1), 67. retrieved from



Research Article