Guidelines for Applying Good Governance Principles. in School Administrations Ban Khlong Khanun School under Rayong Primary Educational Office Area 1
Principles of good governance, school administrationAbstract
The objectives of this research were 1) to study the excellent governance of Ban Khlong Khanun School administrators. Under Rayong Primary Education Office Area 1 and 2) propose management guidelines by sound governance principles in the management of Ban Khlong Khanun School. Under Rayong Primary Education Office Area 1 The population used in the research is teachers. In addition, educational personnel, support personnel, school directors, and the parent-student network of Ban Khlong Khanun School There were two sets of research instruments: a 5-rating scales questionnaire applied from Likert and an interview with semi-structured experts. Statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation. The interview part analyzed the data in terms of content.
The results of the research were:
- Management according to the principles of good governance of the school management of Ban Khlong Khanun School under Rayong Primary Education Office Area 1 in overall was at the highest level. Sort the average score in descending order: Principles of responsibility, principles of value, Transparency, the rule of law, integrity, and participation, respectively.
- Guidelines for managing good governance of school administrators of Ban Khlong Khanun School under Rayong Primary Education Office Area 1 should focus on participation by providing opportunities for other agencies to be presenters. Diversity is given to other sectors that contribute to education. Establishment of a working group to develop the school curriculum. The local curriculum is tailored to the needs of all school stakeholders.
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