Guidelines for Applying Good Governance Principles. in School Administrations Ban Khlong Khanun School under Rayong Primary Educational Office Area 1


  • tongchai fousanthia
  • Somchai Putta


Principles of good governance, school administration


       The objectives of this research were 1) to study the excellent governance of Ban Khlong Khanun School administrators. Under Rayong Primary Education Office Area 1 and 2) propose management guidelines by sound governance principles in the management of Ban Khlong Khanun School. Under Rayong Primary Education Office Area 1 The population used in the research is teachers. In addition, educational personnel, support personnel, school directors, and the parent-student network of Ban Khlong Khanun School There were two sets of research instruments: a 5-rating scales questionnaire applied from Likert and an interview with semi-structured experts. Statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation. The interview part analyzed the data in terms of content.

       The results of the research were:

  1. Management according to the principles of good governance of the school management of Ban Khlong Khanun School under Rayong Primary Education Office Area 1 in overall was at the highest level. Sort the average score in descending order: Principles of responsibility, principles of value, Transparency, the rule of law, integrity, and participation, respectively.
  2. Guidelines for managing good governance of school administrators of Ban Khlong Khanun School under Rayong Primary Education Office Area 1 should focus on participation by providing opportunities for other agencies to be presenters. Diversity is given to other sectors that contribute to education. Establishment of a working group to develop the school curriculum. The local curriculum is tailored to the needs of all school stakeholders.



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How to Cite

fousanthia, tongchai, & Putta, S. (2023). Guidelines for Applying Good Governance Principles. in School Administrations Ban Khlong Khanun School under Rayong Primary Educational Office Area 1. EDUCATION JOURNAL OF NAKHONRATCHASIMA COLLEGE, 2(1), 125. retrieved from