Participatory management of school administrators in the 21st century, Center for Quality Development and Standards for Education in the Second Sea Under the Office of Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Education Service Area 5


  • Panyakorn Dadkuntod Nakhon Ratchasima College
  • Wiralphat Wongwatkasem Nakhon Ratchasima College


management, participatory management, 21st century


This research Objectives 1) To study the level of participatory management of school administrators in the 21st century, Center for Quality Development and Standards of Education in the Second Sea. under the Office of Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Educational Service Area 5. 2) to compare the participatory management of educational institute administrators in the 21st century at the Kham Talay So Educational Quality and Standards Development Center. under the Office of Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Educational Service Area, Region 5, classified by work experience and education level  The sample group used in this research were educational institute administrators and teachers in the Center for Quality Development and Standards for Education in the Middle East. Under the Office of Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Educational Service Area 5, a total of 17 schools with a total of 144 students.

The sample size was determined according to Craigie and Morgan's table and simple random sampling. by means of drawing lots to select respondents The tools used in the research were questionnaires with a 5-point estimation scale, the consistency index was between 0.67-1.00, and the reliability for the whole issue was 0.99. Statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, and portion. standard deviation and testing the hypothesis of the research using the T-test.

           The research finding were :

  1. Participatory management of school administrators in the 21st century, Quality Development Center and International Education Standards Center Under the Office of Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Education Service Area 5 Overall, the practice was at the highest level. When considering each side, it was found that the most practiced aspect was The aspect of participation in operations followed by the aspect of participation in receiving benefits. Participation in the evaluation and the aspect that has the lowest level of practice is Participation in decision-making.
  2. Comparative Results of Participatory Management of School Administrators in the 21st Century, Center for Quality Development and Standards for Education in the Second Sea Under the Office of Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Education Service Area 5, classified by work experience Overall and by side no difference.
  3.     Comparative Results of Participatory Management of School Administrators in the 21st Century, Center for Quality Development and Standards for Education in the Second Sea Under the Office of Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Educational Service Area, Region 5, classified by education level Overall and by sideno difference.


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How to Cite

Dadkuntod, P. ., & Wongwatkasem, W. . (2023). Participatory management of school administrators in the 21st century, Center for Quality Development and Standards for Education in the Second Sea Under the Office of Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Education Service Area 5. EDUCATION JOURNAL OF NAKHONRATCHASIMA COLLEGE, 2(2), 32–44. retrieved from



Research Article