The Approaches to Management of the Student Care and Support System of Chaiyaphum Hightech Technological College and Affiliated Institutions under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission

The Approaches to Management of the Student Care and Support System of Chaiyaphum Hightech Technological College and Affiliated Institutions under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission


  • Orachun Nunboonma
  • Nontawat Yuttawong


Getting to know the students individually, student screening, promoting students, preventing and solving the problems, and transferring students


The purposes of the research were to investigate the conditions and approaches to management of the student care and support system of Chaiyaphum Hightech Technological College and affiliated institutions under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission. The research population was 55 school administrators and teachers of Chaiyaphum Hightech Technological College and affiliated institutions of Academic Year 2023, and 9 experts. The research instruments were questionnaires and semi – structured interviews. The collected data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.

        The findings of the research indicated that;

  1. On the whole, the conditions of the management of the student care and support system of Chaiyaphum Hightech Technological College and affiliated institutions under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission seemed to be at the high level. When each aspect was considered based on the mean arranged in descending order, it was found that all aspects were at the high level consisting of preventing and solving the problems, activities to promote student development, transferring students, getting to know the students individually, and student screening respectively.

2. In terms of the approaches to management of the student care and support system of Chaiyaphum Hightech Technological College and affiliated institutions under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission, they were as follows; the schools should prepare the information about students' personal data, general data, family data, health data, and students' environmental data systematically. In addition, the schools should impose the policies, plans, projects and activities. The schools should also focus on practicing to screen students according to an approach to screening students systematically. The schools should provide the activities to promote student development corresponding to student screening information. Moreover, the schools should carry out work clearly based on verifiable evidence. The schools should impose school policies and plans of the student care and support system, and for transferring students; the schools should hold the meeting to explain the issues to teachers, committee members, and parents.


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How to Cite

Nunboonma, O. ., & Yuttawong , N. . (2023). The Approaches to Management of the Student Care and Support System of Chaiyaphum Hightech Technological College and Affiliated Institutions under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission: The Approaches to Management of the Student Care and Support System of Chaiyaphum Hightech Technological College and Affiliated Institutions under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission. EDUCATION JOURNAL OF NAKHONRATCHASIMA COLLEGE, 2(2), 83–95. retrieved from



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