Guidelines for managing inclusive education management in small schools. Under Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Educational Service Area 3 : Case study Wangwareewonratwattana School.
Guidelines for managing, inclusive education, small schoolsAbstract
The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the conditions of inclusive education management at Wangwareewonratwattana School 2) to study guidelines for developing the operations of inclusive education at Wangwareewonratwattana School. The research instruments were school board Teacher at Wangwareewonratwattana School Parents of students with special needs, a total of 40 people, which were obtained through purposive selection. The research instrument is a questionnaire. Statistics used in data analysis are percentage, mean and standard deviation.
The results were as follows
1. The overall educational management condition of Wangwareewonratwattana School is at a moderate level. When considering each aspect It was found that opinions on educational management as a whole The average is at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that There are 2 areas with high opinions, arranged in order from highest to lowest, namely, teaching and learning management. In the area of administration of inclusive education. There is 1 aspect that has a moderate level of opinion, which is student quality. There are 2 areas with low opinions, arranged in order from highest to lowest, namely, parental participation. and educational assistance and services. 2. Guidelines for developing the operations of inclusive education at Wangwaree wonratwattana School. It can be summarized as follows: 1) Student quality aspect is creating an individual education plan (IEP) and individualized instruction plans (IIP), enhancing knowledge in writing an individual education plan (IEP). 2) The aspect of teaching and learning is Training for children with special needs Training in screening students with special needs Creating a manual for teaching and learning for children with special needs Organize media and technology, monitor, measure and evaluate results. and conducting case studies of children with special needs. 3) In terms of inclusive education management, that is, organizing training to develop teachers in knowledge and understanding about inclusive education management. Raise teachers' awareness of the importance of inclusive education. Study visits and exchange of knowledge. 4) Educational assistance and services are the level of resources for the provision of technological media. environment arrangement Providing media and technology for teaching and learning and 5) Parental participation, which is providing knowledge to parents. Arrangement of the home environment morale boosting.
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