Personnel management of Khonburi Wittaya School Under the jurisdiction of the Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 3

Personnel management of Khonburi Wittaya School Under the jurisdiction of the Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 3


  • Borin Thientha -
  • Wiralphat Wongwatkasem


Personnel Management, Khonburi Wittaya School


This research The objectives are 1) to study personnel management of Khonburi Wittaya School. Under the jurisdiction of the Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 3 2) To compare personnel management of Khon Buri Witthaya School. Under the jurisdiction of the Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 3, according to teachers' opinions. Categorized by educational level and work experience The sample group included teachers working in Khon Buri Wittaya School. Under the jurisdiction of the Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 3, there were 56 people. Instruments used in the research It is a 5-level rating scale questionnaire with a consistency index between 0.67 - 1.00 and a confidence value of 0.97. Statistics used in data analysis include frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. and testing research hypotheses using t-test statistics.

The research results found that

  1. Personnel management of Khonburi Wittaya School Under the jurisdiction of the Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 3, overall and in each aspect, opinions were at a high level.
  2. Compare personnel management of Khonburi Wittaya School. Under the jurisdiction of the Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 3, classified by educational level. Overall and on each side, there were no differences in opinions. and classified according to work experience Overall, there were no differences in opinions.


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How to Cite

Thientha, B. ., & Wongwatkasem , W. (2024). Personnel management of Khonburi Wittaya School Under the jurisdiction of the Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 3: Personnel management of Khonburi Wittaya School Under the jurisdiction of the Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 3. EDUCATION JOURNAL OF NAKHONRATCHASIMA COLLEGE, 3(1), 27. retrieved from