Phramahautiti Tirawaro Teaching System for Developing Life Skills Based on the Four Paths to Success
teaching system, life skills development, The Four Paths to SuccessAbstract
The teaching system is designed to be conducive to development and learning, with ongoing feedback and improvement processes to establish an effective teaching system. Similarly, it serves as a cornerstone for efficiency and effectiveness in learning outcomes and student development. The current curriculum aligns with Buddhist principles, emphasizing the Four Paths to Success: Chanda, Viriya, Citta, and Vimamsa. These principles serve as a framework for creating an educational system that aids students in developing comprehensive life skills. Educators should encourage and foster students' satisfaction and love for what they are learning, instilling in them a sense of effort and diligence in pursuing their goals. They should employ teaching methods that stimulate student interest in the subject matter, utilize diverse teaching techniques, and prioritize active participation and critical reflection. This approach is crucial for fostering life skill development and self-improvement. Implementing the Four Paths to Success in teaching enhances students' readiness to face life’s challenges, rooted in a foundation of love for learning, effort, determination, and thorough reflection. A well-designed teaching system continuously applies these principles appropriately to the student's needs, fostering sustainable life skills and development.
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