Development of the learning on basic materials and equipment of mathayomsuksa 4 students by using augmented reality technology integrated with cooperative teaching
Augmented reality technology, Cooperative teaching methods, Basic materials and equipmentAbstract
This research is experimental research, the objectives of this research were 1) To develop augmented reality technology to enhance the learning on Basic materials and equipment of mathayomsuksa 4 students. 2) To study the learning achievement of the Mathayomsuksa 4 students who study by using augmented reality technology integrated with cooperative teaching methods. 3) To study the students' satisfaction who study by using the augmented reality technology integrated with cooperative teaching methods. The sample group was 22 Mathayomsuksa 4. students selected by purposive sampling. Research instruments were 1) An augmented reality technology 2) 1 Learning management plan. 3) Students' satisfaction assessment form. 4) 20 items Achievement Test. The research statistics were descriptive, arithmetic means, standard deviation, and dependent sample t-test.
The research results were
- The quality of the Motion graphic is a highest-level mean score equal to 4.82 and the efficiency is 94.84/79.09 effective on the 75/75 criteria.
- The Learning achievement score of Mathayomsuksa 4 students who studied by using using augmented reality technology integrated with cooperative teaching methods found that the post-test learning achievement scores equal to 15.81 were higher than the pre-test equal to 12.40 significantly at the statistic level of 0.05.
- In the overview, the results score of students' satisfaction assessment on the learning by using augmented reality technology integrated with cooperative teaching methods is the highest level mean score equal to 4.40.
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