
  • Natason Suksarnamonkul Marketing Innovation Department, Faculty of Business and Administration, Krirk University, Thailand
  • Nualchan Chotikunakorn Marketing Innovation Department, Faculty of Business and Administration, Krirk University, Thailand
  • Paisarn Arunchoknumlap Marketing Innovation Department, Faculty of Business and Administration, Krirk University, Thailand


Influencer marketing;, Purchase intention;, Social media platforms


This article provides a conceptual review of the profound impact of influencer marketing on consumers' purchase intentions. As social media platforms continue to evolve and grow in prominence, influencer marketing has emerged as a key tool in the arsenal of modern brands to drive awareness and sales. The review underscores that the opinions and recommendations of influencers have a measurable and significant impact on purchase decisions. Notably, the perceived credibility and authenticity of influencers stand out as primary determinants of this influence. Equally, the choice and use of specific social media platforms play a pivotal role in amplifying the reach and effectiveness of influencer marketing campaigns. This study posits that leveraging influencers in marketing efforts can serve as a potent strategy for brands to connect authentically with their target demographic and boost sales. The article concludes by highlighting potential avenues for future research, including an investigation into the efficacy of diverse influencer types, influencer marketing's influence on brand loyalty, and its applicability and significance across varied industry sectors.


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How to Cite

Suksarnamonkul, N., Chotikunakorn, N., & Arunchoknumlap, P. (2023). CONCEPTAUL REVIEW OF THE INFLUENCE OF INFLUENCER MAREKTING ON PURCHASE INTENTION . วารสารวิทยาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสกลนคร, 3(3), 132–145. สืบค้น จาก