
Ethics in Article Publication

Journal of Doctoral Philosophy in Social Sciences

Duties of Authors

  1. Authors must ensure that submitted articles are original, unpublished works and are not under consideration for publication in other journals or outlets.
  2. Authors must write articles in compliance with the journal’s specified format.
  3. Authors must not plagiarize and must appropriately cite all external works included in their articles, providing proper references both in-text and in a reference list at the end of the article.
  4. Authors must report research data truthfully, without falsifying or misrepresenting information.
  5. All authors listed in the article must have participated in the research process.
  6. Authors are fully responsible for plagiarism or copyright violations in their work.
  7. Articles published in the journal are the responsibility of the authors, who must assume accountability for their work.
  8. Authors must revise their articles according to the editorial suggestions regarding formatting and referencing, as well as peer reviewers' feedback concerning article quality.
  9. Authors who violate ethical guidelines will be disqualified from publication for a minimum of three years, with notifications sent to the authors and their affiliated institutions.
  10. The decision to approve an article for publication rests solely with the editor and is final.
  11. Research involving human subjects should include an ethics approval certificate from an appropriate ethics committee, if applicable.

Duties of Editors

  1. Editors must manage the journal's operations in accordance with its guidelines to ensure smooth functioning.
  2. Editors must continuously develop and maintain the quality of the journal within its scope and objectives.
  3. Editors must protect the privacy of authors and reviewers to ensure impartial evaluation.
  4. Editors must not exert undue influence over reviewers to evaluate articles in a particular way.
  5. Editors must select reviewers with appropriate expertise related to the content of the article.
  6. Editors must halt the review process if plagiarism is detected and promptly notify the authors. If authors fail to comply with recommendations, the editor may reject the article.
  7. Editors must maintain confidentiality about the authors and reviewers and ensure data security.
  8. Editors must not request citation of specific works to increase journal citations or their own work's citation count.
  9. Editors must not publish articles previously published elsewhere. They must thoroughly check for plagiarism using reliable software such as CopyCat or the ThaiJO system, allowing a maximum similarity threshold of 10%. If plagiarism exceeding this limit is detected, the editor must suspend the review process and seek clarification from the lead author before deciding to "accept" or "reject" the article.
  10. Editors must avoid conflicts of interest with authors and reviewers to uphold integrity.
  11. Editors must not use any part of an article for their own benefit.
  12. If a published article is found to involve plagiarism or data falsification and the author refuses to withdraw it, the editor has the right to retract the article without the author’s consent.
  13. Editors must ensure transparency in handling page charges or processing fees, including clear announcements of processes, prices, and terms, as specified.

Duties of Reviewers

  1. Reviewers must have relevant knowledge and expertise in the content of the article. If the article falls outside their expertise, reviewers should decline the review and inform the editorial team.
  2. Reviewers must evaluate the quality of the article based on academic principles, free from bias or personal opinions, and provide constructive feedback.
  3. Reviewers must use the journal’s evaluation criteria and can provide additional comments in writing if necessary.
  4. Reviewers must not have conflicts of interest with the journal, editors, or authors. If such conflicts are discovered later, the editorial board may revoke the review results and prohibit future article assignments.
  5. Reviewers must adhere to the review timeline set by the journal.
  6. Reviewers must not use any part of the article being reviewed for their own benefit.
  7. Reviewers should offer feedback that is relevant and helpful to the authors.
  8. Reviewers must maintain confidentiality and not disclose article information to unrelated parties.
  9. If reviewers detect similarities or duplication with other works, they must promptly notify the editor.