Management of Student Affairs of Higher Education Institutions in Terms of Student Development Activities According to Desirable Characteristics
Perception and participation, Green University, Activities integrated with teaching and learningAbstract
The purposes of this research were studying 1) perception and participation of undergraduate students in PBRU Green university development project through an integrated activity with teaching and learning 2) synthesize guidelines integrated with the teaching that were in line with the green university development policy. The sample consisted of 28 first year students who registered in the course of the World, Science and Technology (4400010) in the first semester of the academic 2021, Phetchaburi Rajabhat University. Data were collected by developed questionnaire of student perception and participation under the Green University Development Project of Phetchaburi Rajabhat University and an assessment form for activities that were integrated with teaching and learning. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and standard deviation, and the results of the analysis were used to synthesize guidelines for integrating teaching.
The result of the overall average student perception assessment was at a good level. The average assessment scores of students’ participation in each aspect e.g. energy management, water management, waste management and transportation were at a good level of. The satisfaction average assessment scores showed at a good level. The synthesis found that the integration of activities with teaching and learning by ordering the importance of activities starting from knowing the concept and the background of issues first. Then search past examples, both domestically and internationally to bring them to criticize together in class in order to provide students with information for designing patterns and guidelines for students' own ideas.
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