Phu Tai: Ethnic Group in Isan Society
Phu Tai, Ethnic Groups, Isan Society, Belief, Tradition and CultureAbstract
This academic article was to analyze the history of Phu Tai ethnic group living in the Northeast region of Thailand in way of life, beliefs, traditions and wisdom, languages, customs and cultures.
The results showed that Phu Tai ethnic group had the unique way of life, culture and traditions, beliefs, languages, and wisdom that are different from the others. Their ancestors lived in Sip Song Chau Tai or Twelve Tai Cantons area. This area was not a very fertile forest. It is also a territory that overlaps in the administration of 3 parties; China, Luang Prabang, and Yuan. During the war, the army tended to pass through Sip Song Chau Tai, which negatively affected Phu Tai people. Even though Phu Thai people are peaceful, they evacuated to settle in the new areas such as Muang Wang, Muang Kham Kerd, and Muang Kham Muan in the Lao People's Democratic Republic. After the rebellion of Chao Anuwong in Vientiane, King Nang Klao Chao Yu Hua (or King Rama III) commanded to suppress Chao Anuwong rebellion in Vientiane. When the rebellion was completed, the army forcibly occupied Phu Tai people in Laos across Mekong river to locate in northeastern Thailand where the present areas of Sakon Nakhon province, Nakhon Phanom province, Kalasin province, and Mukdahan province are. But Phu Tai people still have inherited traditions and culture that showed uniqueness in specific group, such as dress custom, beliefs, language, and specialty wisdom.
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