Teachers Leading The Change in The 21st Century VS. Active Learning Management
Teacher's role in learning management in the 21st century, Active learning ManagementAbstract
This academic paper studied the role of teachers in the 21st century VS. active learning management for the purpose of explaining the roles of teachers in the 21st century. It was found that teachers’ role in learning management should be as a coach to stimulate learners’ potential, consisting of 3 roles, Engagement, Empowerment and Enlivenment. Teachers must design the learning activities that reflect in learners’ development to learn and apply in real lives. This will lead to support learners for the Active Learning.
The Active Learning is a teaching process that builds the thinking and performs activities through writing, speaking, listening, reading and discussion and exchange ideas to gather knowledge rather than teaching for one-sided absorption. The key aspect is to support thinking, participation, cooperation, interaction, knowledge sharing through the activities prepared by teachers, role and participation of learners by using many teaching technics and methods to design learning management and learning activities by supporting learners to implement skills and knowledge to real practices. The learning management should support learners to be equipped with qualifications that support the change of the current situation.
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