Life History: A tool for Personality Developing of Thai Teenagers
Life history, Culture & Personality, Personality development on teenagersAbstract
The purpose of this article was to: 1) studied the concepts related to ‘life history’ and the ideas concerning the personality development of Thai teenagers, and 2) analyzed the utilization of life history as a tool for developing Thai teenagers’ personality. In this study, The conceptual framework mainly used were culture and personality. The population were 50 engineering students, representatives of Thai teenagers, who engaged in self-exploration for the improvement of their personality. They wrote narratives about themselves, responding to 12 questions covering pre-birth events, preschool age, family and relationships, neighbors and friends, school entry, working age, household establishment age, retirement age, most significant life events, perspectives on Thai society, and on global society, and beliefs about reincarnation. This “life history” is the anthropological research instrument that demonstrates that: 1) individuals who engage in the study of personality, or personality developers comprehend the societal influences on personal differentiation under the social cultivating from their family system, as well as their outlook on current life circumstances. This includes an understanding of how teenagers express their personality through narrative writing. And 2) it is possible to reflect the cultural personality conditions of the aforementioned group of Thai teenagers, which reflection evokes pride and an appreciation to the value of life. The body of knowledge gained is the personality that appears in the present is influenced by continuous development. The events in the past, were influences and the needs of individuals that lead to their expression. This emphasizes the continuity from the past to the present and also reflects perspectives on the future.
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