English Grammar Teaching with “Flowchart” Technique
Teaching Technique, Grammar, English, FlowchartAbstract
Many English language teachers still place a strong focus on teaching or conveying content via the Grammar Translation Method. This method emphasizes imparting grammar knowledge from start to finish of each course, using the original language as a medium of communication in the classroom. Yet, this method has not received the attention it deserves, as many learners who study the language in this manner continue to generate sentences with grammatical faults. Using a flowchart to teach grammar has various advantages, including 1) A flowchart is a teaching approach or strategy for conveying process-oriented knowledge, structures, and successful steps in an efficient manner, 2) Flowcharts can effectively pique learners' interest, increasing their involvement in the learning process, 3) Flowcharts assist students in seeing the larger picture and better understanding complex step-by-step structures or processes, and 4) Flowcharts help learners remember actions, structures, or procedures that have been accurately conveyed. However, there are certain limits to flowcharts that educators should be aware of, such as the complexity of constructing them, the difficulty of updating them, the difficulty of deciphering the meaning of flowcharts, and the comparatively long time necessary to design them.
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