Guidelines for Use in the Prevention and Cure of the Tortured
torture, prevention, cure of the tortured, Prevention and Suppression of Torture , Enforced disappearances act B.E. 2565Abstract
The objectives of this study were three fold: to ascertain the consequences of torture problems in Thailand; to seek suitable measures to prevent the torture occurrence; and to investigate and analyze the guidelines that can be used to cure the tortured victim and to heal the victim physical and mental injuries to be in a normal condition.
The study was qualitative in nature. The analysis of the collected data revealed the following facts: the torture was mainly caused by some exceptional circumstance by means of the law, the Legal Action in Emergent Situations B.E. 2548. Also, it was in the past caused by some social values and cultural deviance in Thailand. To effectively and efficiently prevent the occurrence of the torture, corrective actions regarding the use of law must be taken. Above all, Prevention and Suppression of Torture and Enforced Disappearances Act B.E. 2565 must be applied in a highly effective, and efficient manner. The damaged person must be helped to become normal as before. The top priority should be given to the cure of their mental condition.
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