Factors of Acceptances Behavior and Social Values that Influence Attitudes and Intentions to Purchase Electric Cars in Thailand
Technology Acceptance, Purchase Intention, Social Values, Electric CarAbstract
This research is aimed for (1) To study the Perceived Ease of Use that affects the Perceived Usefulness of electric car buyers in Thailand (2) To study the Perceived Ease of Use and Usefulness that affects the Attitude Toward Using of electric car buyers in Thailand (3) To study the Adoption of Technology, Price Acceptance, Perceived Risk, Social Influence, and Environment Concern that affects the Intention to Purchase electric cars in Thailand. The researcher conducted quantitative research using the questionnaire as a tool to collect data. The sample in the study were 400 users of electric cars in Thailand. The statistics used to analyze the data are the frequency, mean, standard deviations, and multiples regression analysis.
The research of the study found that Perceived Ease of Use influence on Perceived Usefulness at significant level of 0.001, with a regression coefficient of 0.595. Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use influence on Attitude Toward Using at significant levels 0.001, with a regression coefficient of 0.400 and 0.323, respectively. Price Acceptance, Attitude Toward Using, Perceived Risk Influence on Intention to Purchase at significant levels 0.001, with a regression coefficient of 0.249, 0.233, and 0.116. In addition, Environment Concern and Social Influence on Intention to Purchase at significant levels 0.01, with a regression coefficient of 0.173 and 0.139, respectively.
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