Direct, Indirect, and Total Influences of 5 Principles for Affecting the Performance of Police Officer in Metropolitan Police 4
Influence, 5 Principles, Metropolitan Police 4Abstract
The purposes of this research were to study 1) generality of the following variables; coordination, transparency, fairness, prevention, efficiency and performance. 2) The influence of coordination, transparency, fairness, prevention, efficiency influencing the performance of police officers in Metropolitan Police 4. This study was conducted by applying quantitative research methodologies. Questionnaire was used to collect data from 160 metropolitan police 4 officers. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and path analysis. The results indicated to answer research objective that 1) In term of coordination, most of police officers agreed that the works should be organized smoothly and without any conflicts. In terms of transparency, the highest level of agreement was with disclosing of operational information. In terms of fairness, they agreed at the highest level with having a system of check and balance on the exercise of authority. In terms of prevention. most strongly agreed with having an up-to-date crime watch information. In terms of efficiency, the highest level of agreement was with having a clear human resource planning. Almost half of metropolitan polices viewed that they work performance was at a middle level. 2) Prevention had the most direct influences to the performance of Metropolitan Police 4, and transparency had both indirect and total influences to the performance of Metropolitan Police 4.
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