Development of analytical thinking skills in geography subjects of grade 8 students using a set of skill-enhancing activities together with learning management using the CIPPA model
Analytical thinking skills, Set of activities, CIPPA model learning managementAbstract
The aims of this research are 1) to study analytical thinking skills in studying geography of grade 8 students by using a set of activities to enhance skills together with learning management according to the CIPPA model. 2) to study the achievement in students before and after using a set of activities to enhance skills together with learning management according to the CIPPA model. Target group in this research grade 8/6 students, semester 2, academic year 2023, 30 people, obtained from purposive sampling. The research tool is 1) Set of activities to enhance skills 2) 8 learning management plans using the CIPPA model learning management plan 3) Geography achievement test This research format The researcher followed the steps of the classroom action research cycle. According to the concept of Chemistry Mc Taggart (Kemmis and Mc Taggart, 1988: 9-15) called PAOR. Statistics used in data analysis include finding the average, percentage, standard deviation. and a non-independent t-test (Dependent t-test) from the SPSS program. The results of the research found that Ability to think analytically in geography of grade 8/6 students The values were equal to 8.10 and 14.47, respectively. When testing the differences with the t-test statistic, it was found that grade 8/6 students using skill-enhancing activities in conjunction with CIPPA model learning management The ability to think analytically after studying was higher than before studying at a statistical significance of 0.05. For achievement in students using a set of activities to enhance skills together with learning management according to the CIPPA model after studying was higher than before studying at a statistical significance of 0.05.References
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