Fixed Attribute Collocations in Russian Language during the COVID-19 Pandemic


  • Аngsana Rueangdam


fixed attribute collocations, neologism, coronavirus, semantics, synonyms



The article examines fixed attribute collocations that have entered Russian language during the COVID-19 pandemic as neologisms and also the nominations that are actively used in this period. The purpose of the research is to define the meanings of these lexical units from Russian newspaper online media texts from – the news agencies "RBC", "Komsomolskaya Pravda", and News Agency TASS. The theoretical basis of the study was the work in the field of fixed collocations of T. A. Lapaeva and other researchers. Findings revealed the diversity and novelty of the semantics of these nominations, among which there are a large number of synonyms, loanwords and technical terms that reflect emotional experiences of people and the characteristics of a new global phenomenon. The features of the semantics of new fixed attribute collocations include their connection with key concepts of pandemic period (among which the most frequent are nouns коронавирусcoronavirus and ковид – covid, and also adjectives коронавирусный – adjective related to coronavirus and ковидный – adjective related to covid), expanded semantics of nominations, as well as high frequency and uniqueness of the use of these collocations in Russian language.


