Assoc. Prof. Sanyasorn Swasthaisong, Ph.D.
Author Guidelines
Journal of Management Science Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University Publish articles in the following categories:
1. Research article, including reports of new research results with useful knowledge. which has never been published in any journal before
2. Academic Article that presents academic knowledge, targets students, students or the general public.
3. Review Article is an article that collects knowledge from textbooks, books and new journals. or from the work and experience of the author
Article submission
Article to be published in the journal management science Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University Must send a qualified person At least 3 people to assess the quality of articles before publication. Authors should be aware of the importance of preparing articles correctly according to the format of the articles specified by the journal. as well as verify the exact accuracy as well as proofreading before submitting this article to the editor. Preparing articles according to the journal's requirements will speed up the review for publication. And the editorial team reserves the right to not consider the article until it has been corrected according to the journal's requirements.
Article preparation
Articles must be typed using the font type (Font) type Thai Document (TH Niramit AS). Set the size as follows. Title font size 18 bold, title font size 16 bold, story text size 14 thin, straight front and back. and have one line spacing (Double Spacing) throughout the document. Print one page on A4 size short print paper. Print with 1.5 inches from the left and top margins and 1 inch from the right and bottom edges of the paper. Top right corner of every article page. The number of pages should not be longer than 10-15 pages, including illustrations and tables.
Consideration and selection of articles
Each article will be reviewed by at least 3 peer review committees with expertise in relevant fields. and approved by the editors prior to publication By reviewing the article, there will be a form in which the reviewer does not know the name or information of the author of the article. and the author does not know the name of the reviewer (Double- Blind Peer Review).
Article components
1. Abstract: An abstract should be 250 – 300 words long, with both Thai and English abstracts. The abstract should be written to capture the full content of the story. Consists of Objectives It should mention the purpose of the study. Methods of conducting research: It should mention the method of researching information. research methodology used in the study Sample group Research results should mention the conclusions of the research and study. Keywords There should be 3-5 keywords that cover the title of the study. And it will appear at the end of both Thai and English abstracts. The keywords must be sorted alphabetically. and separated by a comma (,).
2. Introduction (Introduction) is an introductory part based on a review (Review) information from research reports, knowledge and various evidence from books or journals related to the subject studied. and mention the reasons or importance of the problems in this study. Assumptions of the study as well as the objectives of the study clearly
3. Objective: State the objectives of the research. should be compiled clearly
4. Research methods (Methods) describes the details of the study methods. Population and sample in the study and method of study research tools data collection including data analysis
5. Research results (Results) are results obtained from the study and analysis in item 3.2. The results should be classified into categories and related to the study objectives. By describing the story and showing additional details with illustrations, tables, graphs or charts as appropriate.
6. Discussion is the use of information obtained from the author's analysis to compare with the research results of others. To understand or create new knowledge related to that research, including the advantages and disadvantages of the study method. Suggest new opinions, problems and obstacles arising from this study. as a guideline that will be applied to benefit
7. Feedback (Suggestion) Suggestions for applying research results for further benefits.
8. Acknowledgments (Acknowledgments) (if any) is a part of thanking the organization. Organizations or individuals that assist in research cooperation including sources of research funding and number of research grants
9. References (References) Use the form of in-text citations (Citations in text) to citation the source of the text in parentheses ( ) inserted in the content. There are different citation writing styles according to the type of document or reference source as follows:
Research Article
An article published in the Journal of Management Science. Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University is the opinion, copy right and responsibility of the author of the work. The journal does not prohibit copying. But must refer to show the correct source.
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Assoc. Prof. Sanyasorn Swasthaisong, Ph.D.
Scheduled to be published:
No. 1 (January-March)
No. 2 (April-June)
No. 3 (July-September)
No. 4 (October-December)
Dowlaad Template
Publication fee