Publication Frequency:   Semi-annual (January-June; July-December).

Aims and Scope:   Sinology study; International Chinese Education Research; Comparative study between China and Thailand

Submission method:
Ⅰ.For authors outside Thailand, please submit the manuscript by e-mail (
Ⅱ.Authors in Thailand can submit manuscripts through e-mail ( or the ThaiJO system.

APA Stlye Requirement


Starting from today, JSCLE will only accept APA style for reference citations. Authors are kindly requested to pay careful attention to this when submitting your manuscripts.





Vol. 6 No. 1 (2024): January-June

Sinology and International Chinese Language Education (JSCLE, วารสารจีนวิทยาและการศึกษาภาษาจีนนานาชาติ, 汉学与国际中文教育) is a semi-annual, trilingual academic journal in Chinese, English and Thai sponsored by the Confucius Institute at Khon Kaen University in Thailand.(Print ISSN: 2774-0382; Online ISSN: 2821-9252) . JSCLE aims to facilitate academic research in the field of Sinology and international Chinese language teaching, and to construct a new academic platform for Sinology research and Chinese language education in Thailand. JSCLE is currently one of the few professional research journals in the field of Sinology in Thailand, and is accessible through the Thai Journals Online (ThaiJO) system and strictly follows Thai-Journal Citation Index (TCI) standards.   This is the sixth volume of this journal to be published. This issue includes two sections, "Sinological Studies" and "Chinese Education." Ten papers are accepted to be published in this issue, including eight in Chinese, one in English and one in Thai. The authors of these papers consist of Chinese, Thai, and Australian scholars, as well as professors, associate professors, assistant professors, lecturers, PhD students and MA students. Papers in our journal have been anonymously evaluated and accepted by three academic reviewers before publication. JSCLE sincerely invites experts, scholars and others to contribute academic papers, critical articles, and book reviews.

Published: 2024-02-24

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ISSN: 2774-0382 (Print)

ISSN: 2821-9252 (Online)