On the Duke of Zhou’s Consciousness of Crisis in the Book of Documents

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Pitchaya Vipaveenukul


The Duke of Zhou, had experienced the fall of Shang dynasty (c. 1600 BC–c. 1045 BC) and the rise of Zhou dynasty (1046 BC–256 BC). He realised that the fate of Zhou clan was not designated only by God but also human themselves. Therefore, how to protect Zhou clan regime was the serious matter he concerned the most. The Duke of Zhou showed sense of duty and purpose through his consciousness of crisis. After King Wu of Zhou (d. 1043 BC) died, the Duke of Zhou sensed Zhou clan danger. Learning from history, he created ritual and musical system, finding the best way to entrench Zhou dynasty. Zhou dynasty enforced patriarchal system, reorganized social mechanisms. He counselled the kings of Zhou to attribute to virtue, appoint people by abilities, maintain peace and security in the territory, consequently, the officials must keep loyal to their kings, helping Zhou dynasty with integrity, fidelity and impartiality selflessness. The Duke of Zhou’s consciousness of crisis is an important factor of providing foundation of Chinese culture, which also affects the values of intellectuals since then.

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How to Cite
Vipaveenukul, P. (2023). On the Duke of Zhou’s Consciousness of Crisis in the Book of Documents. Journal of Sinology and Chinese Language Education, 4(1), 8–14. retrieved from https://so08.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/cikkuhygj/article/view/1960