A Study on the Thai Village Names of Chiang-saen District in Northern Thailand

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Jiewei LUO


This study is based on linguistics and cultural linguistics as research theories, combined with the literature methodologies and inductive analysis to analyze the word structure of village names in Chiang-saen District, Northern Thailand. The research found that the number of disyllabic (32 names) and trisyllabic (24 names) village names in Chiang-saen District is similar. The complete form of “common ‘name + proper’ name” is the main linguistic structure feature, while a few are incomplete and overlapping structures. In terms of naming rationale, the proportion of water sources and terrestrial systems is basically the same, with 90% having the same name as natural and cultural entities. In these cases, the location, terrain, and scale of the villages can be directly identified by names. In addition, the description of the integration of agriculture, religion, and migration in the village names reflects the living style and ecological views of the Chiang-saen people that are adapted to the natural environment in Northern Thailand, as well as the complex and multi-level characteristics of place names.

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How to Cite
LUO, J., & TIAN, Y. (2024). A Study on the Thai Village Names of Chiang-saen District in Northern Thailand. Journal of Sinology and Chinese Language Education, 7(2), 58–66. retrieved from https://so08.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/cikkuhygj/article/view/4042