Desirable Teaching Supervision of Teachers Under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok District 1
Supervision, Desirable Teaching of Teachers, Secondary Educational Service Area; Office Bangkok District 1Abstract
The objectives of this research were to study 1) Desirable teaching supervision of teachers under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Bangkok District 1 2) Guidelines for the development of desirable teaching supervision of teachers under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok District 1. The sample group was 185 teachers under Bangkok Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Bangkok District 1. The tools used were a 5 point rating scale questionnaire and structured interview. The validity of the questionnaire was 0.67-1.00 and the reliability was 0.97. Statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and content analysis.
The results showed that; (1) The desirable teaching supervision of the teachers under the Bangkok Secondary Educational Service Area Office, District 1 in general was at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that there were 2 aspects at a high level, namely, cooperative supervision and non-directive supervision and the 2 aspects in a medium level, namely, information-directed supervision and control-directed supervision. (2) Guidelines for the development of desirable teaching supervision of teachers are as follows: 1) Cooperative Type: Supervisors have a negotiating process to find mutual agreement on problem solutions. 2) Non-guided: Teacher or faculty is directly responsible for making decisions on that subject. Supervisors should have no direction and have minimal involvement. 3) Information-directed Supervision should be implemented by using the behavior of willingness to share responsibility. 4) Control-directed Supervision should be implemented for teachers who are likely to follow the supervisor’s recommendations.
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