Factors in Accident of Transport Worker : Poultry Feed Processing in Central
Accident Factors, Transport worker, Transportation, Poultry Feed ProcessingAbstract
The purpose of this research is to study and compare the Factors in accident of transport worker Poultry Feed Processing in Central classified according to personal factors and the job characteristics of transport worker Poultry Feed Processing in Central Including study investigate the relationship between job characteristics and personal factors of transport worker Poultry Feed Processing in Central. The researcher conducted the research using quantitative research regulations. The questionnaire was used as a research tool and collected data from a sample group of transport worker Poultry Feed Processing in Central, 222 samples. The statistics used in the data analysis were descriptive statistics such as percentage, mean, standard deviation and Inferential Statistics such as independent t-test, One-way ANOVA, Chi-Square.
The results of the study found that of factors causing accidents among transport operators. The poultry processing industry in the central region found that manuals, regulations, and work rules were at the highest level follow by personnel who perform work and vehicles in operations there are many levels of opinions in order and when comparing of factors in accident of transport worker Poultry Feed Processing in Central classified by personal factors were as follow gender sex age education accident history hours of sleep driving experience and domicile did not difference but except for work experience and the type of transmission of the car, which are different causing factors in accidents to be significantly different by 0.05. and when comparing of factors in accident of transport worker Poultry Feed Processing in Central classified by Job Characteristics were as follow Skill Variety Task Significance and Autonomy did not difference but Task Identity and Feedback there are difference statistical significance level of 0.05 As for considering the relationship between
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