Creating a Digital Professional Learning Community (DPLC) for Education Management in the Digital Transformation Era
Digital Professional Learning Communities (DPLCs); Digital TransformationAbstract
The establishment of Digital Professional Learning Communities (DPLCs) is a crucial strategy for sustainable and effective education management in the Digital Transformation era. The TEAMCEB process is proposed to support the creation of DPLCs by emphasizing efficient collaboration, continuous learning and development, as well as the participation of all stakeholders. The author presents the TEAM-CEB process for creating DPLCs for Digital Transformation education management, consisting of 7 main steps: Together, Exploration, Action, Monitoring, Collaboration, Evaluation, and Benchmarking, along with 5 components: digital learning content design, digital instruction management, digital learning experience creation, digital learning communities, and digital assessment and evaluation. The process begins by fostering collaboration and shared goals in developing digital education, jointly exploring new knowledge and resources, implementing and designing educational innovations, continuously monitoring and evaluating, collaborating with other organizations, and ultimately establishing best practices and standards. This approach aligns with the Participatory Learning Theory and the Community of Practice Theory, leading to the creation of robust and sustainable DPLCs to effectively support education in the digital transformation era.
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