Total Quality Management to Promote Excellence of Female Futsal Player of Kasem Bundit University Futsal Club
management, total quality, futsal, Kasem Bundit University ClubAbstract
The purposes of this research were to study total quality management and problem and obstacle to promote excellence of female futsal player of Kasem Bundit University Futsal Club. The sample group used in this research was the Kasem Bundit University member club, including the Kasem Bundit University Club Executive Committee, coaches, and Kasem Bundit University female futsal athletes, totaling 50 people. Data were collected using a questionnaire as a research tool, and statistics used in data analysis include frequency, percentage, average, and Standard Deviation.
The research results found that: 1. The personal characteristics of female futsal player Kasem Bundit University members are female, aged 18-25 years, with a bachelor's degree level. Period of work less than a year. 2. Overall quality management to promote excellence in female futsal athletes Kasem Bundit University Futsal Club as a whole the average is at the highest level ( =4.26, S.D. = .571). Each aspect is at the highest mean level, including potential development is at the highest level (
= 4.30 S.D. = .637), continuous improvement average is at the highest mean level (
= 4.26, S.D. = .699), the leadership average is at the highest mean level (
= 4.25, S.D. = .565), in strategic planning is at the highest mean level (
= = 4.24, S.D. = .621), and the aspect of teamwork participation at the highest mean level (
= 4.23, S.D. = .619), respectively. 3. Problems and obstacles in total quality management to promote excellence in female futsal athletes at Kasem Bundit University Futsal Club include the lack of application of modern technology. Leaders must devise work systems that create innovations that consistently lead teams to excellence. To create unity among the futsal athletes, use sports science techniques to promote a strong athlete's body.
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