The Influence of the 4Es Modern Marketing Mix on Repeat Purchase Intention in Online Shopping Among Customers in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region
Modern Marketing Mix, Repeat Purchases Intention, Online ShoppingAbstract
This research study aims to: 1. examine the influence of the 4Es modern marketing mix on repeat purchase intention via online shopping among customers in the Bangkok and metropolitan area, and 2. identify strategies to enhance quality that would result in repeated purchase intention via online shopping among these customers. This is a quantitative research study employing a survey methodology, with questionnaires as the data collection tool. The sample consists of 400 individuals who have made repeated purchases through online marketing channels in the Bangkok and metropolitan area, selected through convenience sampling. The statistical and data analysis methods used in this research include descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation) and inferential statistics e.g. multiple regression analysis and content analysis for open-ended questions.
The findings indicate that: (1) The 4Es modern marketing mix influencing repeated purchase intention via online shopping among customers in the Bangkok and metropolitan region includes easy online access (Everywhere, b=0.47), creating loyal customers (Evangelism, b=0.26), providing a good experience (Experience, b=0.15), and offering value that makes customers willing to pay (Exchange, b=0.13). The model accounts for 68.20% of the variance in repeated purchase intention. (2) Strategies to foster repeated purchase intention via online shopping require continuous efforts to improve quality across all aspects, particularly in terms of products, services, customer experience, and reliability, with a strong emphasis on customer focus.
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